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Past Contests!

We will sellect 3 winners, to receive FOUR PACKS of Bee Line hemp wick, plus a DUAL SIDED RECIPE CARD, and a BKS signed sticker!
You don't need to be TOO specific with this one... but the long time fans will know right away!
(Prize winners are restricted to US/Canadian residents due to costs and customs forms as Kat is only able to send prizes via stamps through her local mailbox! But we absolutely DO welcome people from all over to participate in our contests! If you're outside the prize mailing zone, and you win, you can just pick an internet buddy or a friend living in the US to recieve your prize instead, as a gift... just be sure to ask and get the owner's permission before giving us, or anyone, a mailing address besides your own!)
Every so often we like to offer fun, easy, and lighthearted contests that ANYONE in the community can join in on whether you grow, smoke, or you simply approve of the medicine for friends and relatives! No training or experienced required, just a bit of luck and a guess!
So jump in and take a shot...
As the saying goes: "You've got to be in it, to win it!"
Click below to send your response!
Answer this question to WIN:
"Where did Kat grow this plant?"

Kat Smiles, the founder and CEO of BadKat's CannaPharm and featured guest at this year's New England Canna Carnival, has decided to run a new contest with THREE WINNERS every single week, right up until the Carnival!
The contests are open to EVERYONE who plans on attending the Carnival!
We'll also try to add a few small prizes for those who just can't make it out this year! Each participant can generate up to TEN entrees and chances to win, and every week we'll be changing up the prizes!

On December 19, 2014
-- One NEW RELEASE BadKat's CannaPharm MAGNET
-- THREE Packets of BEE LINE Hemp Wick
-- One Medical Grade Oil RECIPE CARD
w/ bonus medible recipe on the back side!!!
See below to find out how to enter.....
There are several ways to enter for up to a total FIFTEEN chances and entires to win just today.... some will only bother with one or two entries, so if you great odds, set yourself ahead from the getgo, and earn all fifteen!
1.) Send an Email to our Contact Form with 1) the below passphrase, 2) your name or alias.
The Passphrase is: KatsCannaPharmHappyHolidays2014
Copy it exactly with NO spaces- this code is how we search our email to retreive your entrees! Before clicking send, if you have Facebook, Twitter & Tsu, include your profiles at this time, and see below.
2.) For additional chances to win, be sure to include your facebook, Tsu, AND Twitter profiles in the above email and go to BOTH Kat's Facebook Page and her FB Author Page, and her Twitter @BadKittySmiles, click friend, like, and follow, and for 3 more chances to win, find the posts mentioning the contest, and comment on each with the passphrase: KatsCannaPharmHappyHolidays2014
3) One last bonus, and this one's worth it.... you can DOUBLE ALL your previous entries, by friending Kat and commenting with the code, on her new page at the new social media site, Tsu, with fewer ads, more friend content, and that even compensates YOU for sharing content.. like the early days some of us will remember before big business took over the net, back when average individuals, students, and parents started little webpages like Homesteads, and earned money just for doing it, rather than being shown ads and charged a fee for the privlage, back when nickles and dimes trickled in from the other direction, as friends simply visited. Some websites and social media outlets are **getting out of hand.
So friend Kat at www.Tso.co/BadKittySmiles you can use her user name as your authorization code to join Tsu, and double up your entries by commenting on her page with the code: KatsCannaPharmHappyHolidays2014
That's 10 chances to win so far!
4.) For up to a total of FIFTEEN immediate;y available entrees in this year's contest including those above, share any of our contest posts on your timelines, or in -CANNABIS THEMED- groups, by using the share button. Be sure you share *appropriately, and according to the guidelines of each group. Each share will add another entry to the drawing bag.
So don't forget, you can share on Twitter, Facebook and Tsu, too! But your initial entry count maxes out at 15.
*Do not spam groups. When appropriate, it helps to include a comment of your own which adds context, this can help admins to understand you're a real person and that you don't have ill intent. Practicing good etiquette for group shares can be useful, because if your post is deleted before we've had a chance to see it we won't be able to count it!
EXTRA Goodies For Winners with Current CERTIFICATIONS
We're adding a -- FREE MEDICAL OIL INFUSED EDIBLE for ONE MMJ Certified Winner, just as long as they are certified at the time of the event during prize pickup! Additional drawings will be held should two or more weekly winners hold certificates.....
Contest Summary.....
* 5 Winners **Plus** 1 GRAND PRIZE Winner
* 6 Total WINNERS by December 19!
* Each Winner gets ALL THREE Prizes!
* GRAND PRIZE Winner gets something special....
* To WIN- Email - Twitter/FB/Tsu Comment- Shares
* 15 Entries Immediately Possible For EVERY Participant
* Just email us with your details and the passphrase:
" KatsCannaPharmHappyHolidays2014 "
* Follow the rules for entrees through FB, Tsu & Twitter!
* Have FUN! 30 TOTAL Entries Possible Before the Drawing!!!
We'll contact our WINNERS on December the 19th!
Think this is all we've got in us?
There's A LOT more coming your way during our appearance at this year's
"We're dedicating this year's contest to a few AMAZING people in the community. Thank you to Fred, Thai, Barry, and Carol. These individuals are truly deserving of our praise and respect for their compassion and help during times of doubt, and for being the inspiring members of our growing community, that they are. Thank you all." - Kat
Past contests....
You're now 10 times more likely to win, than the guy who just sent an email!
** Did you know Facebook has been testing a "feature" (Oh, how we thank you, FB, for giving us a new "feature"!) for two years, that allows them to accept money, from average users, in exchange for making sure our posts appear on our own friends and followers timelines?
In other words, they want to live in a world where you, pay them, just so people like your personal friends and families, who have already indicated that they wanted to keep up with your posts, will see them. They want us to pay, for spending our time producing content that draws people on to their site, exposing them to their advertisers for huge additional profits. They want our hard earned money, for an act that businesses used to appreciate, one that they used to compensate -US- with a share of the earnings for, only ten years earlier...... Yikes! Can we say GREEDY?? :(
I don't expect billions or even dozens of dollars for my time enjoying the net, but going the other direction, and being charged by a business literally for the privlage of making that same business more money, while they lie and decieve us on top of it by hiding most of our content from the people who have made specific requests to be notified when it appears, (and worse, substituting that missing content, that dead space they've intentionally created, with countless ads and "sponsored posts") rubs many of us the wrong way. Many of us remember making a couple dollars a month for having ONE single ad on our webpages, back in the 90's before the internet was big. It's huge now, and you wsnt us to pay you, for doing the same thing for your business, drawing users, but on a MUCH larger scale? Realistically, and logically, approaching the concept with any sense of reason and understanding, facebook's demands are bass-ackwards, my friends!
Facebook, isn't likely to get any better. The reduced visibility and pay changes, have lasted too long. By that I mean they have a system, it's been in place a while and they're content with the earnings this has got them, there isn't going to be a rich entity in their circle and on their payrole, who got rich this way, who will be willing to step up and say:
"You know what, I'll take the paycut, let's get these space-hogging ads off the timelines, and make room for individual's content again. It was convenient and all how, as soon as we cut down on user content in their news feeds, we had all that extra room for paid ads. But it's just not fair, it was a little deceptive, and now charging them on top of it? Let's do the right thing, here's my checkbook, and where's my contract, I'll renegotiate for a smaller income next year.". Not gonna happen.
And that's why we're supporting Tus. :)
Plus 1 GRAND PRIZE WINNER.... Gets something Special.....
....At Kat's Holiday party
Pssst... every 7 day period beginning Friday November 28th, one week from today, we'll allow another 5 entries ON TOP of your original 15, through shares.... one new entry per share, for up to five extra entries per week!
Earn your THIRTY entries before the drawing!
One December 19th, we'll be drawing 6 names from the bag, those entries go into a jar. We'll pick our Grand Prize Winner from those 6.... If we draw your name twice while searching for the 6, BOTH your entries will be entered into the GRAND PRIZE DRAWING jar, to increase your odds again...
In other words, not only do multiple entires increase your odds of being one of the six, they increase your odds a second time while we determine our GRAND PRIZE WINNER!
If we draw your name twice, we'll include additional goodies with your prize AND we will continue drawing names until we reach our 6 winners!

Contest begins NOW!
Start with Step 1.) for your first entry today!
Look for the comment and sharing posts to complete Steps 2.) thru 4.) later tonight... we will post them after 11PM EasternTime, November 21st