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The Lecithin Conflict:
Why The Fact A Conflict Exists, Frustrates Those Who’ve Done Their Homework!
Lecithin is comprised primarily of two major components, that are found in ALL living cells. Inositol and choline.
Some other minor trace elements it can contain on the shelf are tocopheral, low glycemic carbohydrates, several B-vitamins including folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, and biotin, most in quantities generally too low to legally merit or even require any mention on a nutrition label. As your body degenerates and regenerates its tissues, the major components of lecithin we first mentioned, those that are considered to be controversial by those who are uninformed, are constantly being released into and, through related chemical processes, new lecithin is resynthesized and created all over again, by your body.
Our own organs are great sources of lecithin, in particular our brains, kidneys and livers, but every living cell in your body contains lecithin as a necessary component, in order for you to live.
Dietary lecithin is necessary to help supplement your bodily needs, as these two chemicals are precursors to others that we require to function neurologically and continue our existence; in other words, while it is folly to think eating lecithin, will necessarily increase your own choline and inositol content, in and of itself, however these same chemicals are still required by the body and through our evolved daily dietary intake of lecithin, our bodies do not synthesize or produce and release enough, or all that we need, in order to function and to continue the process of metabolic synthesis, and we therefore REQUIRE their supplementation. Lecithin is found naturally in our blood and our bile. Want to know one of the bigger industrial sources of lecithin, next to soy? It’s not just all sunflowers and plants, it’s brain and other *mammalian organ tissue.
The biggest shocker of all, mainly to those who are “anti-lecithin” and have not researched just what lecithin is… is that you can absolutely be deficient.
Even when you have an intolerance to an abundance of lecithin, you need it in your diet, or you couldn’t exist.
You’d have to be eating an unusually particular diet not to be getting enough, but deficiency in lecithin is a condition that does occur, and much more often than an abundance leads to any sort of complications.
What people need to understand, though, is that a choline deficiency could not be corrected by the miniscule quantities of lecithin, contained in an average daily dose of oil; in order to even qualify as deficient, you need to be in a position where it is necessary to increase your intake, by far more than the scant few mg’s of choline required in order to create a molecular film and aid in cannabinoid bioavailability.
This is why it frustrates those of us who have made it our –lives-, before any others in the community even touched the subject of cannabinoid bioavailability, to produce oil of a medicinal quality, when we hear people say;
“Oh, lecithin? I don’t touch the stuff,”
“I’ve heard ‘this that and the other’ and I swear I felt better when I stopped eating it”…
This makes, quite literally, no sense.
Not only are we all, right now, producing it and dumping it into our own bodies, even as we speak, but virtually every food we eat contains it. Not just as an additive, but unless it's been fractionally removed from the cells of your food, so they can sell it back to you as a supplement and use it industrially (very generous of them, isn't it!) - it's in there naturally.
And processed foods?
They are a thousand times "worse". Not only do they still contain any of the untampered-with and naturally occurring lecithin, that so many folks desperately like to pretend out of existent, they also contain additional industrial byproduct lecithin products, which act as emulsifiers to correct texture inconsistencies in cheaply made foods: they’ve taken the home chef’s usage and, using a chemical laden byproduct, they’ve bastardized it all to hell.
I’ll be in the kitchen of a patient’s house, have them tell me why they refuse to use even a pinch in their oil, insist how well informed they are due to an article they read online, authored by a layman, who misinterpreted a study far beyond his reach then penned an article based loosely on what he understood, while their refrigerators and cupboards are FULL of this stuff! All the while, insisting how much better they feel, without these elements that are responsible for keeping them alive. Worst case scenario, your lecithin source is contaminaited or contains an allergen if you have an issue; switch brands, but do check sources if you have an allergy, as some brands will use and relabel the same product.
Here’s what I've recently started hearing over the last year or three:
“But I read that one study where lecithin is bad for your heart...”
Oh, the –one- study, where they had subjects consume several eggs, on a daily basis, each of which contains many times the lecithin that all but a very select few cancer and pain patients taking a gram-plus of cannabis oil concentrate/FECO/RSO, in a daily/24hr period, would ever consume…. The same study where they THEN ‘charted their progress’ with an additional –radioactive- lecithin tracer capsule.
Yes, this study certainly taught us something valid. That over-dosing on things can potentially be bad, even if they are good things, necessary to life.
If we spell out the findings of this study, we learn than, in ADDITION to be a precursor to necessary chemicals we require to live, IF you harbor a certain gut bacteria, and IF you overconsume ridiculous quantities of lecithin, you only MAY find that gut bacteria can potentially also use additional choline, that your body can not use in abundance, as a precursor, in order to produce TMAO.
That's it.
The study that started this all ends in a lot of maybes; and even the possible speculation they are aiming for, has nothing to do with our level of usage. I have serious heart issues, and low blood pressure myself; in my case specifically, choline can be an enemy when eaten inappropriately, but I also know I still need choline to survive.
Comparing the methods used in the virtually only study, that every misguided author, of every misleading article against lecithin cites, comparing those intake levels and their methods of tracking them, to the minute quantities of lecithin in your daily dose of cannabis oil, quantities less than you’re eating in your 3oz serving of fish, or a 6oz cut of steak…
This is comparing apples, no.... just one apple, to nuclear missiles, whose rockets just happen to have been fueled with the fermented juices of millions of apples. (And it’s GMO apples they’re fermenting for those rockets, too).
In other words, that controversial study and the applications of lecithin and cannabis oil, each embody two very different uses, of a pairing of naturally occurring, bodily-necessary chemicals.
We’re talking dietary over-indulgence, versus an amount that falls closer to medical necessity, for survival, not just in terms of absorbing your oil. Without dragging this out much further than I already have, I’m talking about bodily functions that require the intake of additional lecithin beyond what our bodies can synthesize and release from –its- series of precursors.
Even when taking lecithin supplements as directed, the suggested dose or serving size to be taken in addition to the lecithin already contained naturally in your diet, is roughly 5 times what a gram-per-day patient needs in order to produce their required 1g/1000mg of liposomally encapsulated oil.
In short, if you “really” feel you have an issue with the stuff and you’re considering taking it out of your –medicine-, maybe, just maybe, consider reducing dietary intake first before taking such drastic and medically-limiting measures!
Drastic, in terms of the consequences of removing it from your medicinal oil, and limiting, in terms of the lack of actual help that removing such a comparatively small amount from your diet, would even offer, if lecithin really had been causing you issues.
Any difference sensed from removing such a minute quantity is all placebo, or at times indicative of a poorly manufactured product. If larger but still healthy quantities of lecithin in an organism’s diet, begin cause issues, when intake only nears an excessive point but does not surpass it, this is actually indicative of either past or current neurotoxin exposure which inhibits acetylcholinesterase production, or damage to the pathways responsible for creating acetylcholinesterase: This is an enzyme that is responsible for rendering inert, the acetylcholine our bodies need when we have produced more than we can use, converting the combined product back into their individual and bodily-inactive choline and acetate forms allowing for their disposal. When this enzymatic process cannot occur due to pre-existing damage or unrelated neurotoxin exposure, and when your body consumes and synthesizes an excess of choline, and therefore acetylcholine, this is where problems occur; but even in these uncountably-rare individuals, dietary lecithin is NECESSARY for their survival. It simply becomes an issue of regulating intake within a smaller window, than 99.9% of the population needs to concern themselves with.
What this means is that, even for those almost unfathomably rare individuals, they would do MUCH better by limiting the LARGER amounts of natural lecithin food groups like meat, eggs, dairy, homemade and store bought mayonnaises and sauces, and the unnatural quantities found in most packaged and frozen foods… you know, before eliminating the much smaller portion, found in a therapeutic intake of oil, the component that keeps a good chunk of their medicine from reaching the toilet, before they’ve had a chance to finish absorbing it.
And remember, it is NOT simple emulsification that creates good medicine; emulsification is useful, it creates more consistent dosing and absorption is marginally increased, but emulsification is NOT liposomal encapsulation.
If you are noticing only slightly diminished results, when omitting lecithin from your oil, this means your oil was not actually becoming properly encapsulated to begin with.
Not only will your body thank you when you’ve taken steps to remove a few of the less healthy sources of lecithin, you’d be removing far more than you’d need just to make room for the tiny bit you need in your dose of oil either way, but your wallet will thank you once you get the process down properly, and you can begin cutting your doses in halves or even quarters, with longer lasting and faster results. If you can get forty doses instead of ten from the same plant matter by using lecithin properly, and if each one of those forty doses is just as, if not more effective than an untreated dose four times the size, this is only good news whether you are a patient, a caregiver, a shop or any other entity working with cannabis.
Below is a brief list of sources where you’ll find more phospholipids (keep up, people, those are what we’re talking about here, if you’re against them you should definitely know this stuff!), than a 1gram dose of bioavailable FECO. Technically, since it’s found in virtually all living tissue, it’s in virtually everything you consume, and especially when keeping in mind that most don’t adhere quite as close as we’re expected to, to the 4oz rule when eating a piece or beef, the one egg rule, or the one slice (or half-slice!!) of bacon portion guidelines, people get a lot more in their system’s than they realize. Below you’ll see where you’re getting a lot more than you were in your oil. With almost every bite of food you take, you’re taking in more lecithin, than the vast majority of patients need in a full daily dose of oil, but even heavier users, who almost drink their oil for breakfast, lunch and dinner, can rest assured they’re only just beginning to touch the charts for necessary daily choline intake.
An Entire Gram of Bioavailable Lecithin Treated FECO
Contains LESS Lecithin / Phospholipids / Choline
Than The Common Adult Serving of:
* Eggs
* Most Green Leafy Veggies
* Meat Tissues; ESP. various organs
* Milk
* Coffee – just black, homebrewed, no cream or sugar
* Fish
* Mushrooms
* Most Beans, Seeds, Nuts
* Let’s Speed This Up… The Contents Of Your Refrigerator
Would you like to know why I suspect we have such a high success rate when treating most conditions, especially cancers? Could it have something to do with the fact the vehicle of delivery I choose to work with 1) shares chemical components identical in structure to, 2) compatible with, and 3) already present in the human cells that I’m trying to access, and deliver medicine to?
You tell me.
The lecithin found in your cell membranes, controls and manipulates the delivery of vital nutrients, and the removal of wastes, and toxins.
Again, does this help what we’ve been doing with almost startling success?
I’m sorry to say, but I’m not sure exactly why it is, that we hear of and witness so few failures when treating properly with encapsulated oil, it’s a process I grew up alongside as normal and the unusual average outcome I don’t often bring up, due, not only to the controversial nature of the concept of cannabis being such a powerful healer, in and of itself, but because it goes beyond what most see for results using cannabis. Hindsight and regret in others pains me deeply. We get many messages of success, but we see at least as many from the relatives of patients who have since passed, wishing they'd found us sooner, wanting to know what they could have done to make their treatment more effective because they've just got off the phone, yahoo or a forum with another user of RSO or FECO who had no positive results for weeks, sometimes month of oil usage, until liposomal encapsulation was included.
But there is a reason it works as effectively as it does, and I’m sure we can do more with it when those exact mechanisms become even more clear than they already are now. And if large scale companies are finally picking up on it, just to save themselves some cash when it comes to pharmaceutical production and vitamin and supplement production, while conveniently charging us the same amount, or more, all for a tech that causess their product to deliver a greater punch with only a fraction of the active chemicals, making it more affordable, not less-so, then maybe we should all be getting in on it, too...

My greatest challenge in all this, is that this was child’s play for me back when I was a teenager, in the mid 90’s, educating myself both in and outside of school while I was first laying the ground work for and developing these techs with oil based solutions, rather than the aqueous solutions that I’d read of in texts from the 60’s, using heat and oil to manipulate molecules rather than, or in addition to experimenting with the early sonication and water, effectively using lecithin to create both single and multi-layered synthetic cell-walls that can carry and deliver therapeutic contents to effected tissues with dramatic efficiency. But nobody had heard of or even considered such things, besides a handful of people who had retired the concept, and retired themselves or passed on. Getting the info out there, unadulterated, and in a way that has not been bastardized for an unscrupulous dealer or businessman’s personal goals, has been a great deal of work.
Trying to explain these simple realities as an adult still to this day, 20 years later, amidst a sea of misinformation that has only grown with the popularity of the internet, while large scale companies have adopted and squabbled over the tech (now that they’re finally on to it), it’s been tiring at best. But if you need help and would like to get in touch, you know where to find the team and myself.
- Kat Smiles

*(Animal sourced lecithin is sometimes considered to be best suited for certain industrial purposes where the exact phospholipid balance or ratio is either not crucial, or where additional fractionation and processing techniques that are cost effective and not food-applicable may be applied, because the animal tissues used can produce a wider range of variation in the phospholipid composition in the finished product, than the levels found in consistently maintained and harvested plant sources of lecithin; in other words, although breeding and timing the slaughter helps, the ratio of choline to inositol in the extracted lecithin has a somewhat greater potential to vary in livestock than it does in commercial plant crops… for instance, minus only the water content and leaving all the tissue behind, a human brain contains roughly 28%-30% lecithin depending on the health of the subject, with more being found in subjects with normal, healthy and superior brain function; a reduced lecithin content is generally found in the brains of patients suffering from psychological and neurological issues. Long term poor diet and disease can also reduce lecithin content in bodily tissue, negatively effecting health even further.)